Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Paper Trail.

Public Income Today. 

It occurs that everyone should know how much everyone makes. The old class courtesies of keeping quiet about our annual salaries still exist? Why is it you can know exactly where I am and what I'm doing or witness right along with my wife my son's first steps, but you can't ask me how much money I make? The silliest sector of privacy that remains is this, a token of leverage that provides the upperclass with a way to remain casually in control. The privatization of your income is the line in the sand, not how much money you make. Isn't it strange how the more you make, the more you have to hide? 

Everyone in America wants to be American, and America is working class. I recently learned the average US CEO makes in a day what the average US worker makes in a year, lack of quotations around 'worker' intentional. Remember Mitt Romney's jettison in a campaign of jettisons when he wouldn't release his tax returns? He would have never encountered this problem if personal finance records were public information. Of course, those to the political right want to know everything about you unless you're a corporation, buying a gun, or a pedophiliac priest. As long as the Supreme Court is even split as it is, well, here we go. I guess I would prefer my illusion of a progressive system to be a little more... progressive. What I'm saying is that the shallow materialism that provides one hit wonders with solid gold grills is actually authentic, while feigning favoritism for Piggly Wiggly over Whole Foods is snidely excessive. Are you working when you clock in or out? 

Meanwhile, I contradictorily ride my income like Shadowfax. I love the pity and admiration my 23K a year inspires in people. But then again when it comes to telling income, it's all about who you're telling. 

The Brothers Rebel 

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